From the CEO

This time is extraordinarily tough as we navigate the unknown and we appreciate the hard decisions you are needing to make for your businesses every day. 

We want you to know, and continue to know, that we’re all in this together and we will pull through this together.  We are mindful of not overwhelming you with information, as it is certainly coming at a rapid pace from all directions.  So whilst this is brief, we do provide links to places where you can find more. 

Our new mindset today has shifted from ‘social distancing’ to ‘physical distancing and social connecting’. ?

Updated Information

We are continuing to update daily, with information and resources.

Both myself and Sheryl are across most of the financial stimulus and support packages available, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help navigating. 

We have also connected with our partners at the Bundaberg Business Enterprise Centre to see how we can share resources and ensure that we’re offering all of the right business support possible.  So if there is something that you need – please get in touch.   


We are continually tracking impacts on businesses, and ask you to take the time to complete the survey with any updates of financial and employment losses.  The world has changed a whole lot since we sent the last survey 10 days ago, so we’d appreciate your updates to this survey, based on your current situation.  Please note this information is not shared individually, it is shared as a collective summary for the Bundaberg region. We need to collate the impacts so we can paint a real-time picture to the government with the impacts on the industry.

Membership extended

In normal times, we would have been going out with our membership offering for next financial year.  Our Board unanimously voted, as a membership organisation, to extend all membership subscriptions to the 31 Dec 2020.

This decision, along with many other impacts, has forced us to also make some hard decisions and adjustments this week to our organisation.  However, I want to assure you that myself, and my team are absolutely here to support you, and will continue to do so in whatever capacity we can, along with making sure that we have the ability to drive destination awareness and visitor expenditure once we come to the end of this crisis.  


  • Remember to follow us on our corporate Facebook page for updates as they come through
  • We are just working out the logistics of having a virtual ‘Friday afternoon drinks’ or, as we like to call it, FriYay, and will be sending the link out tomorrow.  We know many of you might not feel like a Fri-Yay, but it’s a great opportunity to come together and share either one thing that we are grateful for that week, or one small win from our week.  Stay tuned for more info.


  • To assist cafes and restaurants adjust to social distancing laws and the closure of non-essential services, we have created the Take it Away campaign. This is open to ALL food and drink businesses offering takeaway or delivery services.  If you would like your business included, you can access the toolkit here or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
  • We are continuing to maintain appropriate social media content across both our Facebook & Instagram channels.  This is to keep our audience engaged ready for when we come out the other side, as well as providing you with usable content to share on your own channels.
  • The team have also been busy supporting individual businesses with immediate response.  Once again, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need.

As we move through this unchartered territory together, we are reminded everyday of what a remarkable bunch of people we have here in the tourism industry of the Bundaberg region. 

Let’s keep connecting, let’s celebrate our small wins and let’s keep our spirits high.  Because look out world, when Team Bundaberg comes through the other side of this, we are going to be firing on all cylinders!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or the team directly.

Wishing you all love, good health and heartfelt decisions,
