Led by Jon Drummond Montgomery, Events Group Executive, the group included specialists from Business Events, Major Events and the Queensland Destination Events Program (QDEP) who travelled to Bundaberg to meet with Bundaberg Regional Council and famil the region.
Along with Katherine Reid a delegation met with the Mayor and Councillors and undertook site visits to the Bundaberg Multiplex and many of the event sites around Bundaberg and Bargara to discuss leveraging the destination to ensure event tourism success and assist in making key decisions about events development within the region. They also met with the coordinators of the region’s QDEP funded events.
As a result of the overwhelmingly positive impression left on the team, Bundaberg Tourism looks forward to announcing key outcomes in the near future. Thank you to our partners for your assistance in hosting this industry famil – Scott and the Burnett Riverside Hotel team; Shane and Pascaline at ZEN Beach Retreat; Joey and The Windmill Café team; Sarah and the Eleven Acres team; Michelle and the Budget Team and Bundaberg Regional Council.