A Family Affair - Bundaberg Region
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A Family Affair

Building a legacy takes much more than just hard work and grit, it takes team, it takes a family. Today Macadamias Australia is a grower and worldwide exporter of macadamias, sourced from their expansive orchard comprising 2500 acres. In 1958 Ron and Marion Steinhardt saw an opportunity and purchased their first farm, an unworked piece of bushland. Early days saw the growing of a variety of crops from peanut and corn to tobacco and sugar cane, and later to tomatoes and zucchinis before eventually finding their footing in macadamias. Nowadays the farm sits under the watchful eye of their children, Janelle, Trevor, Kevin and their partners to carry on the legacy.

(Credit: Sabrina Lauriston Photography)

At Macadamias Australia the phrase 'two heads are better than one' is something to live by with decisions being made as a family, bringing everyone's strengths and skills to the table. With the mantra 'to leave the soil in better condition than we found it' they are committed to sustainability and the environment which helps them produce a high-quality crop year after year. Macadamias Australia believe their purpose is to care for and grow the community, families, environment and economy of Bundaberg; they do this by creating an enterprise which allows us to all work together, provides opportunity for us each to express our strengths, pursue our dreams, and create a presence in the world we can all be proud to be a part of.

(Credit: Paul Beutel)

The future of Macadamias Australia is an exciting one with expansion plans in place for a value adding factory and tourist facility. This project aims to deliver a new innovative product into the Chinese market and they are currently in discussions with Alibaba. Despite the exciting news the implementation of growth strategies can be a challenge to pull off while still trying to manage daily operations. Regardless of the challenges Macadamias Australia may face we can guarantee that their all-in, strong family focus will see them through to great things.

Where Can I Buy Macadamias Australia Products?

You can buy directly from the farm as well as the Bundaberg Visitor Information Centre, Learmonth's Foodworks, Grunske's By The River Seafood Restaurant and Takeaway, Chippindalls, Alloway Farmers Market, Lavish Flowers, The Lettuce Patch and the Childers Heritage Shop.

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