The Buzz About Bees - Bundaberg Region
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The Buzz About Bees

Clint Luke is a local builder and a family man with an unusual hobby – beekeeping. What started out as a way to keep up with the family demand for honey has now evolved into a small, successful family business known as Bundy Honey. Swept up in the swarm Clint went from one backyard hive to multiple hives at multiple sites in a few short years with more expansions on the way. With his passion to keep growing and learning about bees, the hive numbers grew continually, and the family could not consume the amount of honey being produced so when the opportunity arose to service a retired beekeeper's customers Clint jumped on it.

(Credit: Paul Beutel)

Keeping up with the bees is challenging with new obstacles and opportunities for development popping up every day. Clint's love for bees and his growing understanding of them over the years has helped him learn to read them and help him understand and react correctly to what is happening in the hives. His bees need a constant source of food, so the hives are continuously monitored and moved to ensure they are producing beautiful, sweet honey year-round. If he gets every element right the bees will be happy, and the hives will continue to fill with honey for extraction.

(Credit: Paul Beutel)

Bees are an integral part of our regions agricultural industry, particularly for our macadamia and avocado growers, more bees mean more pollinating of flowers which means more beautiful locally-grown produce. For avocado and macadamia farmers bees are essential in the pollination of the flowers and without the continued growth of bees in the region we would not be able to produce the high amount of premium produce we are growing today. Being an advocate for the eat local movement Clint has begun working with local farmers offering pollination services and with an increasing number of hives he hopes to extend his services to more farmers in the region to help them continue to grow the best produce in Australia.

Where Can I Buy Bundy Honey?

You can purchase Bundy Honey products on 128 Elliott Heads Road, Bundaberg (keep an eye out for the sign) 7 days a week, with your local grocery haul at Drive Thru to the Lettuce Patch, and at several key farmers markets throughout the year.

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