Bundaberg Region - Resources
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  • Bundaberg Dives Into New Position On Tourism Export Committee


    Bundaberg Tourism has been invited to join the Australian Tourism Export Council’s South Queensland Leadership Group, with Trade & Industry Development Executive, Loni Hammond to be the voice of the Bundaberg region and our dedicated tourism operators.

  • Tourism industry stakeholders update


    You are invited to attend a free face-to-face training session delivered by Get Skilled Access on behalf of the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport as part of the Accessible Tourism in Queensland project. The sessions includes a 90-minute presentation for Queensland tourism businesses and local government areas, covering all aspects of disability inclusion and accessibility for frontline tourism staff and provide the skills to welcome guests with disability at your service, attraction or business.

  • Tourism Trade Partners Support Sustainable & Responsible Travel


    There is no doubt about the level of commitment and work involved in achieving ECO Tourism Certification.

    The long-term thinking businesses who have built sustainable and responsible practices into their operations have long enjoyed the benefits of cost savings when using more sustainable energy, the efficiencies the ECO Certification process brings, the point of difference in the marketplace plus the reward that the business is leaving a positive legacy. This commitment and ongoing investment into their businesses is now turning into sales with tourism distribution partners now recognizing and supporting ECO Certified operators.

  • Onboard Retain and Reskill your staff with free training tools


    To fill industry skills gaps and meet the needs of a growing travel market, QTIC and the Queensland Government are working together to help tourism and hospitality operators upskill their staff inhouse.

    We invite you to take advantage of this free workforce development opportunity to onboard, retain, and reskill your staff through online micro-credentialing courses.

    The bite-sized and flexible courses are a great way to expediate the upskilling of staff and reduce the cost of onboarding new employees. With staff trained in as little as 40 minutes.

  • Consumer Trends and Industry Insights


    In the years since COVID, the tourism industry has felt the brunt of the enormous global disruptions, both physically and psychologically.  The rulebook was thrown out in 2020 as the world went into lockdowns, and with state and national borders now open, and people able to travel to almost anywhere in the world, we once again face a massive shift in our industry and the shape of global tourism.

  • World Tourism Day 2021


    Each year, 27 September is World Tourism Day and in 2021, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on “Tourism for Inclusive Growth.”

    UNWTO is the United Nations specialized agency for responsible and sustainable tourism, which recognised tourism is one of the world’s most important economic sectors, employing one in every ten people on Earth and provides livelihoods to hundreds of millions more.



  • Why Accessibility Matters For Your business

    Why accessibility matters for your business

    ResourcesWhilst travel as we know it has changed drastically in the last 16 months, one thing that hasn't changed is the importance of the accessible tourism sector. Though there are operators and businesses initiating great change, there is still more that needs to be done to ensure that the entire tourism industry listens, learns and acts.

    Having an accessible business is about ensuring businesses and the services, infrastructure, public spaces, accommodation, and transport modes developed and delivered are accessible for all, especially for people with disability.


  • Weather alternatives for visitors

    Weather alternatives for visitors 

    ResourcesThanks to our beautiful climate, every season is the perfect season to explore our backyard. Our temperate waters mean that it is never too cold to snorkel alongside turtles on the Southern Great Barrier Reef or too hot to explore our roadside farm gates and pick up the fresh produce grown 365 days a year.

    Being in this incredible subtropical climate means that from time to time, the sky opens up to help keep our backyard green and our farmlands thriving. However, no matter the weather, there’s always something exciting for visitors to discover and to make cherished holiday memories.

  • Give It A Go In Bundaberg

    Give It A Go In Bundaberg

    ResourcesBundaberg Tourism has created a series of assets for the tourism and business community to use to encourage Australians to come work in our region.