Unique Southern Great Barrier Reef - Bundaberg Region
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Unique Southern Great Barrier Reef

Guest Blogger Bio Natalie LobartoloWant to experience nature at its absolute best: pure and untouched? Some of the most rarely visited reefs are in your backyard. They are healthy, thriving and ready to envelop you in a trance of wonder and awe. Don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself!

If you're feeling the need to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and get immersed in nature, an escape to the Southern Great Barrier Reef might just be exactly what you need. As you float in stillness, the only hustling and bustling you’ll experience is amongst the vast array of reef fish, turtles, corals and marine life as they go about their daily adventures. The only skyscrapers you’ll see are the towering calcium carbonate structures reaching up and up and up. Come discover the unique Southern Great Barrier Reef, and explore the exquisite Lady Elliot Island and Lady Musgrave Island

Introducing Lady Elliot Island

Welcome to paradise. Lady Elliot Island is really one of a kind: the whole island and surrounding reef is a “Green Zone” Marine Park, protected for miles offshore in every direction. When you dip your head below the surface, you’ll see what this means for the diverse array and abundance of marine life. The only way to arrive is via a scenic flight with Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort, and it is well worth the trip. Seeing the reef from above will give you a sense of the vast expanse of the Great Barrier Reef, visible from space. The view above and below the surface are equally astounding, make for a pretty impressive social media feed, and are simply a must-do at least once in your life.


Introducing Lady Musgrave Island

Lady Musgrave Island is unique in that it is the only accessible island with a safe, calm and sheltered lagoon created by the surrounding reef. This is not just fabulous for us, but for a large variety of marine life that choose to rest and nest inside its wake. There are turtles galore and it’s the perfect nursery for a multitude of large marine creatures such as turtles, rays, sharks, octopus, and fish. Coral Trout, Red Emperor and Sweetlips often seek the shelter of the lagoon to rest and reproduce, and you may even be lucky enough to spot the resident Grouper hiding underneath one of the bommies!

Fun Fact: Aussies are renowned for shortening their words, and there’s no exception when it comes to reef lingo. “Bommie” is a shortened term from the indigenous word “Bombora,” meaning “isolated outcrop of rock or reef”. You can explore the depth of Lady Musgrave Island on a day trip with Lady Musgrave Experience.


Your Master Reef Guide Top Tip

The Southern Great Barrier Reef is the best way to have a weekend or short holiday escape to a pristine and pure natural environment without the crowds, lines and hustle and bustle of big cities. It’s wild, natural and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. If you’re a David Attenborough fan, this is the place for you.

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