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Bundaberg Region Blog

Get the inside scoop on what the Bundaberg region has to offer
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Flavorful Choices for Every Palate

Flavorful Choices for Every Palate

Guest Blogger Bio Jess Marsellos

Dive into the vibrant world of dietary-friendly cafes and eateries in Bundaberg, where going green is a delectable journey that caters to all tastes. Discover a spectrum of options that deliver a burst of flavor without compromising on nourishment and satisfaction. From nourishing nibbles to meat-free wonders, comfort classics, and clean-eating treasures, Bundaberg has you covered.

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Take a cultural journey past, present and future 

Take a cultural journey past, present and future 

Guest Blogger Bio Jess Marsellos
Yee Gee
, or hello in Taribelang language - this was one of the many traditional language learnings I took away from my time on the Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow tour run by Taribelang Bunda Cultural Tours, which is a meaningful and wonderful way to explore more of the Bundaberg region through the lens of our First Nations custodians. 

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Your 4 Day Guide to Milbi Festival 2022

Your 4 Day Guide to Milbi Festival 2022

Guest Blogger Bio Jess Marsellos

Tick conservationist, turtle expert, beer taster, gallery goer, coral enthusiast, stand up paddle board novice, cultural tour attendee and restaurant reviewer off your packed 4 day stay as you soak up the best natural environment alongside some quality events as part of the Milbi Festival, a 10 day celebration of vibrant Indigenous experiences, foodie events, arts, culture and everything turtles from October 28 to November 6. 
 Image: Courtesy of River Nations Indigenous Corporation

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10 FREE Family Friendly Fun Activities Under The Winter Sun

10 FREE Family Friendly Fun Activities Under The Winter Sun

Bundaberg is gorgeous in winter, mild days, plenty of sunshine and lots to do and explore that doesn’t cost a penny! Take this top 10 road less travelled list and tick off these adventures as part of your visit. 

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Chase the Salt & Sea

Chase the Salt & Sea
(Image coutesy of Taste of Australia with Hayden Quinn)

From catch to kitchen, discover fresh seafood at it’s very best. 

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