Meet The Great 8: Whales - Bundaberg Region
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Meet The Great 8: Whales

Guest Blogger Bio Natalie Lobartolo

“Mum! Can we go people watching again this year?!”. It's not hard to imagine juvenile whales gossiping amongst themselves about what bizarre human behaviour they’ll witness on their annual migration to the tropics each year. There are few charismatic mega faunae we seem to get more excited about than the Humpback whales. Their highly protected status on the Southern Great Barrier Reef makes it possible to observe and connect with these creatures in an intimate yet respectful way.

A typical SGBR Whale Watching Experience…

Coming eye to eye with one of the largest creatures on the planet is an experience that will stay with you for life. It’s almost impossible to fathom just how large 16m and 30,000 kilograms of whale is until you see it launched into the sky, before you witness the splash it makes as it crashes back into the water, and until you witness the size of the dark shadow emerging from the depths to gently break the surface and glide along the side of the boat, running a curious eye over you. Your captivation with this one individual will very likely be interrupted by a loud slap only metres away, as you witness another whale rolling onto its back to clap its pectoral fins together, as if asking for a cuddle! Give them a friendly wave and see what their curious nature will drive them to do next.

You’ll want to go again and again!

Whales are wild animals and it is difficult to predict their behaviour, but whether you are lucky enough to witness breaches, spy-hops, fin and tail slapping, or even getting “mugged,” a whale watching experience off the Bundaberg coastline is full of action and one day is never enough - you never know what you’ll be lucky enough to witness on any given day!

Compliment an above-water experience with underwater wonders

The southern Great Barrier Reef is the perfect humpback whale playground, ideal for breeding, calving, resting and exploring. Between June and October, it’s rare you’ll dip your head below the surface and not be welcomed with a whale-song soundtrack to back your snorkels and dives.

One of nature’s most inspiring conservation stories

With environmental conservation and a worldwide decline in biodiversity front of mind these days, there’s no better way to be inspired by one of nature’s – and mankind’s – greatest conservation success stories: The Humpback Whales. These creatures have shown incredible resilience and ability to bounce back from previous negative human impacts such as whaling. In the 1960’s, Humpbacks along the East Australian coast were subject to whaling and populations were diminished to just a few hundred individuals. Since whaling ceased and whales have obtained a strong protection status, the population is thought to be close to 30,000 individuals, and growing at about 10% each year. Isn’t it incredible what nature can do when negative human impacts are removed?

Leave only footprints

Keep an eye out for whale “footprints”. Humpbacks leave these round oily slicks on the surface when they dip their heads for a dive. You can rest assured that your whale watching experience won’t leave any negative human “footprints” as our credible, environmentally responsible Southern Great Barrier Reef operators go above and beyond rules and guidelines for a safe and enjoyable experience while posing no harm to these incredible creatures. All of our operators have approved permits, follow all guidelines for responsible whale interactions, and have been recognised with Advanced Ecotourism Certification from Ecotourism Australia.

Meet Our Majestic Whales This Year!

Whale season in Bundaberg, Southern Great Barrier Reef, is from June to October each year. Enjoy a half-day whale watching tour from Bundaberg Port Marina with Australia Whale Experience, or spot them on a day trip or overnight to our off-shore coral cays. For more information and to book, see Southern Great Barrier Reef

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