Bundaberg Region - Moncrieff Entertainment Centre
25°C Rain Showers Rain Showers

Hours: Box Office open Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm + 60 minutes prior to show starting time.


The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre features performing arts, theatre broadcasts and live entertainment, as well as on-demand, indie and art-house films and free community movies. The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre is named after 'Our Glad' Gladys Moncrieff, world famous musical star who was born in Bundaberg. Originally the Olympia Airdome, an open air theatre built in 1920, it was enclosed as the Olympia Theatre in 1955; refurbished as the Crest Theatre in 1973; and reconstructed as the Moncrieff Theatre during 1985 to 1987. With the update of the venues' facade in October 2011 it seemed the perfect opportunity to undertake a name change. Moncrieff Entertainment Centre better describes the venue, as all forms of entertainment, including cinema, live theatre, concerts and conferencing are held there.

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177 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg, Queensland 4670 Australia,
