Bundaberg Region - Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort
25°C Rain Showers Rain Showers

Did you know that you can visit the Great Barrier Reef from Hervey Bay or Bundaberg? Join our Great Barrier Reef Day Tour to Lady Elliot Island for a fabulous day exploring the wonders of the Southern Great Barrier Reef from the air, glass bottom boat and the water... all in one day! Flights depart daily from Hervey Bay 8:10am and departs Lady Elliot Island 4pm, departs Bundaberg 8:40am and departs Lady Elliot Island 4pm


Lady Elliot Island is located on the southern tip of Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef, 80kms north-east of Bundaberg, just north of Fraser Island. Our location on the Southern Great Barrier Reef makes the island easily accessible for visitors to South-East Queensland with four (4) convenient departure points - Scenic flights depart daily from Bundaberg, Hervey Bay/Fraser Coast, Agnes Waters/1770, Brisbane (Redcliffe) and Gold Coast.

lady Elliot Island,, Coolangatta 4224
