Did you know that you can visit the Great Barrier Reef from Hervey Bay or Bundaberg? Join our Great Barrier Reef Day Tour to Lady Elliot Island for a fabulous day exploring the wonders of the Southern Great Barrier Reef from the air, glass bottom boat and the water... all in one day! Flights depart daily from Hervey Bay 8:10am and departs Lady Elliot Island 4pm, departs Bundaberg 8:40am and departs Lady Elliot Island 4pm
Lady Elliot Island is located on the southern tip of Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef, 80kms north-east of Bundaberg, just north of Fraser Island. Our location on the Southern Great Barrier Reef makes the island easily accessible for visitors to South-East Queensland with four (4) convenient departure points - Scenic flights depart daily from Bundaberg, Hervey Bay/Fraser Coast, Agnes Waters/1770, Brisbane (Redcliffe) and Gold Coast.
lady Elliot Island,, Coolangatta 4224